THIS IS A LIMITED-TIME, EXCLUSIVE OFFER THAT IS NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE. You must call your Wenger representative direct or call 1.800.4.WENGER for pricing. You can also fill out the form at right. Mention promo code: FREESHIP23
Wenger’s Music Posture Chairs are the most popular music classroom chairs – because they help your students sit taller, breathe better and improve technique. Teachers also love them because they’re built to last school year after school year!
more product detailsNOTA® STANDARD MUSIC CHAIRS
Nota takes our patented posture chair design to the next level, providing rear and forward seating positions that allow musicians to sit in the manner that best suits their style and instrument.
more product detailsMUSIC CHAIR MOVE & STORE CART
Rolls easily down hallways, around corners and through standard doorways to move chairs between rehearsal and performance areas.
more product detailsCLASSIC 50® MUSIC STANDS
The Classic 50 stand is exceptional in its light weight, quiet operation and wobblefree performance. The polycarbonate design won’t dent when dropped and also won’t scratch precious instruments.
more product detailsMUSIC STANDS MOVE & STORE CART
Quickly stack 20 stands on Wenger’s Move & Store Cart and roll anywhere you need. Cart easily fits through doorways allowing you to get to and from performance areas, backstage or into storage.
more product details
* Disclaimer: Free Shipping. U.S. only, contiguous states for:
Must order by October 18, 2023. Delivery (tailgate) only. Web orders not included. Must accept delivery by
December 31, 2023. Mention Promo Code FREESHIP23 to your Wenger Representative.